A position is available at the University of California, Irvine, Department of Radiological Sciences, Clinical Trials Imaging Core Lab (CTI Core) for a one-year appointment, non-senate, academic term appointment in the Specialist Series.
The incumbent, under the direction of the Director, will oversee the overall operation of research imaging services provided by CTI Core. Incumbent will assume responsibilities including: 1) monitoring and providing subspecialty research specific interpretations (i.e. RECIST, RANO, CHESON, LUGANO) for IRB-approved clinical trial studies in an agile and flexible manner; (2) reviewing imaging requirements and components of all incoming industry- sponsored, investigator-initiated, and NCI-sponsored clinical trials that will utilize imaging equipment of University of California Irvine health and its satellite sites for budgeting purposes and for efficient research operations; (3) assisting external departments in completing radiology-specific study initiation activities such as completing scanner surveys/questionnaires, facilitating phantom/volunteer scans, and any other steps/requirements specified on the clinical trial protocol; (4) providing assistance in writing, editing, and preparing manuscripts and proposal submissions to scientific journals and funding agencies; (5) working closely with the team of clinical expert physicians for image interpretation; (6) advanced image post-processing for clinical and research use. This position involves close collaboration with various departments within the University of California, Irvine.
Basic qualifications (required at time of application) applicant: Must have PhD, MD or MD/PhD.
Appointees to the Full rank of Specialist should possess a terminal degree (or equivalent degree) or ten or more years of experience demonstrating expertise in the relevant specialization. Specialists at full rank are normally expected to have a significant record of academic accomplishments, including contributions to published or in-press research in the field, professional recognition in the field, and a demonstrated record of University and/or public service.
Preferred qualifications: Ability to perform research specific interpretations such as RECIST and medical research is a plus.
Application procedure: Please log onto UC Irvine’s recruitment site located at: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF09265
• Curriculum Vitae
• Research Statement
• Sexual Misconduct, Harassment & Discrimination Declaration Form
• Inclusive Excellence Activities Statement
For more information about this recruitment, please contact:
Roozbeh Houshyar, MD FSAR (He/His/Him)
Clinical Professor
Director of Clinical Trials Imaging Core Lab Vice Chair of Informatics
Medical Director for Computed Tomography Physician Informaticist - Radiology
Principal Investigator Computational Abdominal Radiology Lab Departments of Radiological Sciences and Urology
University of California Irvine